Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Willkommen in Deutschland!

Guten Tag!

This is the blog for the German-Australian Exchange for 2010.  Please share your experiences here so that everyone can learn a little bit more about the wonderful country that is Germany.

Bitte, wenn du kannst, schreib auf Deutsch!  (Please, when you can, write in German!).  Even if it is only a few new words that you learn throughout the day, share them with us!

Vielen Dank und viel Spass!

Miss Flint


  1. Tonight a few of us Australians are getting ´Eis´, while our partners have Handball training. :)
    Ja, ich mag Eis!!

  2. DAS IST MEIN HAMBURGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Nein, das ist mein Hamburger!!!

  4. Mein hamburger, das ist mein hamburger, do bist verrüct!!!!!!
    Und ja Eis is sehr, sehr gut!!!

  5. Hallo!

    Yesterday, Lisa, Nadia, Sarah und ich went to the Staufenberg castle. It was amazing. From the top of the tower we could see all the way over Staufenberg and Lollar.
    We could see the school and the houses where we are staying. After running around the ruins talking photos of everything Lisa und Nadia showed us around "Alt Staufenberg".
    The buildings were so quaint. The streets are narrow and almost every house has flowers out the front. It makes Bendigo seem like New York!

  6. Mein hut hat drei ecke, drei ecke hat mein hut.
    Mein hut hat drei ecke, drei ecke hat mein hut!! :P

  7. Yesterday I went mountain bike riding to the Staufenberg Castsle, from the castle I could see all of Staufenberg, and also the Lollar school, it was such a great view!

    On Friday we're going to the chocolate museum! We are all looking forward to this!!!!

    I'm going to Italy!!!! I leave on Saturday and will be gone all week!


  8. Yes my comment does have a lot of mistakes in it :(

  9. The food here is mainly bread, bread and bread, i thoght it would bother me but it doesnt! Its real good.

    Lunch here is amazing!!!! Ich liebe snitzel!!!

    Went to supermarket last night, very interesting!! We got mini bananas.

  10. At school! on computers! we dont have much freedom on them tho!

  11. i cant add a blog post or whatever you call them...
